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Thank You, Becca

We want to give a huge shout out to Becca McLellan, director of Why Not Youth Centre from 2016-2020. Becca’s roots go deep at Why Not. She came on board in 2008 as a first year Laurier student, volunteering until she came on staff in 2014, becoming director in 2016.

Becca took Why Not to another level. She had a huge impact on our growth and development, expanding our base and increasing recognition and respect for the work that Why Not does with Brantford’s at-risk youth. Becca is well respected in the community and built important relationships with partner agencies in the city. Her work in these areas formed a solid foundation upon which we continue to build.

Becca has a gift for administration and structured Why Not’s organization in a way that positioned us well for the new growth opportunities ahead. On top of all of this, Becca is a passionate advocate for the underprivileged. With her incredible insight into what works and what is broken in our system, we are confident that her voice will continue to speak on behalf of the down-and-out in Brantford – and likely beyond – in the years ahead.

Becca, we miss you and wish you well, but most of all we thank you. For responding to the call for the season in which you served, for doing everything with excellence, passion, and honour. May God bless and use you in the years ahead.



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